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Scams using Live Chat to gain remote access


A CommBank/CommBiz themed scam is currently operating where scammers are cold calling customers, particularly businesses, pretending to be from CommBank or CommBiz support and advising of a problem with their internet banking.  

Customers are then being directed to a Live Chat site, which is a fraudulent duplicate of the CommBank website with hyperlinks that will install remote access software on the customer’s computer, allowing the scammer to take control of it while they talk the customer through providing them necessary details to complete payments. 

Important points to note, we will never: 

  • Request remote access to a customer’s computer 
  • Ask customers to provide us with a Netcode or code from a CommBiz token 
  • Ask for any password 
  • Instruct customers to make a transfer 

Should you receive a call from someone claiming to be from the bank that is suspicious, hang up and call back on a known number such as your relationship manager, or one of the methods at Contact us – CommBank.

If you get an unexpected call from CommBank you can ask us to use CallerCheck to verify it’s us.

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