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About Oz ScamWatchers

Harnessing the Power of Information and Community to Prevent Scams

Welcome to OzScamWatchers.com, your community source for scam information and consolidating Australian scam information from around the web. With a passionate and dedicated community of Oz ScamWatchers behind us, we strive to expose the latest scams and protect individuals like you from falling victim to deceitful schemes. Together, we can empower one another and build a scam-free future.

We are a community group who believe that hard working people can prevent falling victim to scammers with sufficient awareness, reporting and information. We will never stop scammers, but we can reduce their impact.

At OzScamWatchers.com, our mission is clear: provide real-time insights and actionable knowledge through the power of community reporting. We believe that by harnessing the collective wisdom of individuals who have experienced scams firsthand, we can stay one step ahead of fraudsters, expose their tactics, and safeguard our community.

Privacy is of utmost importance to us. Rest assured that we do not request personal data from community OzScamWatchers we treat your data with the highest level of security, we will only ask for your email at registration so we can moderate the community forum, in line with our Privacy Policy. We utilize cookies to analyze website traffic and enhance your browsing experience. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with that of other users, ensuring anonymity while still enabling us to provide valuable insights.

Join us on this journey of empowerment, where the power of information and community stand as our pillars. Together, we can combat scams, protect one another, and create a safer online environment for all.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to unveil the latest scam insights, direct from the community.

What We Do

Scam Aggregators

Scam News Service

Sourcing the latest scam news through our Live Scam Tracker we provide up to date real time scam news. Not just overseas or online scams but local and national companies and government scams and rip offs.

Scam Live Tracking

Your Live Scam Reporting Platform

Name and shame the conmen, rip offs, scams and frauds that we are putting up with. The only way to beat these scumbags is to report it through an independent service. The Government scam reporting is useless and does not touch the corporatations ripping off Aussies. All scam reports are welcome here.

Scam Education and Awareness

Prevention and Advice

We provide articles to assist you getting support and to help prevent being a victim.