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Local Artist After Falls Victim to Tech Support Scam  

By ozscamwatchers, 1 week ago

  Warns Community: Tech Support Scams Can Be Confusing In a cautionary tale that highlights the growing threat of tech support scams, Sylvie Leber, a local artist known for her work in painting and mu...
Protect Yourself from Online Scams  

By ozscamwatchers, 2 weeks ago

  Joyce's Story and Tips for Safe Shopping Joyce's Experience: A Cautionary Tale Hi, I'm Joyce, a physiotherapist and a busy mum of two energetic kids. Like many, I never imagined I would fall victi...
Scammed: A Cautionary Tale  

By ozscamwatchers, 2 weeks ago

  Rod Quantock's Scam Story: Bank Impersonation Scams In a candid video, Australian comedian Rod Quantock shares his experience of falling victim to a bank impersonation scam. Despite his familiarity ...

By Test, 2 weeks ago

Scams Awareness Week 2024: Share Your Story to Stop Scams  

By ozscamwatchers, 2 weeks ago

  During Scams Awareness Week 2024, the spotlight is on empowering Australians to combat scams by sharing personal experiences. The campaign, themed "Share a Story, Stop a Scam," emphasizes the crit...
Australians Fall Victim to HSBC Spoofing Scam  

By ozscamwatchers, 2 weeks ago

  Urgent Action Needed Australian HSBC customers are grappling with significant financial losses due to a persistent and sophisticated spoofing scam. This scam, which utilizes deceptive text messages,...



